Friday, February 26, 2010

My life is really complicated right now...


This really isn't a gripe fest, people. I'm not the same person I was six months ago. It's just that it seems God is blessing me with lots of experiences and I really don't know how to interpret them.

First off....I went on an interview in Raleigh last Thursday for a possible position selling insurance (and possibly making BANK) with this Fortune 500 company. I won't divulge the name out of respect. They offered me a job...but I would have to pay around 300 dollars to take a couple of tests to become licensed. My parents didn't want me to take the job on the basis that that they didn't guarantee me a that's in limbo.

I'm still trying to transfer to a Wal-Mart story in Raleigh (they pay more, but it's a drive) or Durham, and I just made some progress on that, meaning I found a store that had an opening...Stay tuned on that...

I've also been kind of-or sort of-or close to talking to a couple of women in the past two months, but I don't know what to really do here, because both of these girls have baggage up the rear 99 percent of the single women in this town. I really want to ask for God's will in all of my matters right now.