Monday, January 10, 2011

asperger's part 2: continued education

I've done some research on Asperger's syndrome over the past month (before the holidays distracted me) and I've tried to relate what I've found to what I've gone through in my life. I've mentioned some symptoms in part one, but I've just wanted to highlight some things that I relate to:

-Having a narrow set of interests in life

I fall into that category; I tend to narrow down my primary interests to sports, music that people of my shade of skin color wouldn't dare admit to being interested in, writing, and other things. If you try and ask me about something I don't care about, or if you ask about something that I care about but had just started following, you would run circles around me. Nowadays, I wouldn't care about what other people think about my interests, but at one time I hid them (or edited them in conversation) because I wanted to be liked.

-Social awkardness

Asperger's victims have trouble with eye contact, small talk, and generally keeping a good conversation with people. They have trouble with figuring out sarcasm, jokes, and the like. Personally, I've improved with social awkardness, but sometimes the sarcasm park still gets me.


This is something that Christians shouldn't do a lot of, but Aspies have a high tendency to both worry and keep their feelings inside. I sometimes worry, unfortunately.

-Bad body language in social situations

This is a difficult thing for Aspies to deal with and it certainly doesn't help you socially.

-Being too trusting of people

-Difficulty with dating and relationships

This is a separate column all together......

And so on..

In Part 3, I'll speak about illusions about Asperger's Syndrome.

Monday, January 3, 2011

new year's revolution

I'm going to return to my Asperger's Syndrome series (after being derailed by the holidays) but I'd like to share my New Year's Resolution.


It's to simply mature as a person in Christ and grow into someone that could handle a better job, a career, a relationship, and everything that God has in store for me, in time.

God bless.