Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My V-Day Letter (Belated) to America-Why I'm Single

I've been gone for a month. It's because I've having a great time with with life. Work is kinda back and forth, but I understand the joy of having a vision, now, because I am the steward of one. Church is good. My truck lives. I live.

Then I come across the Golden Child known as V-Day. I saw the kids at the RC celebrate today, running around the halls with all their abundant joy. I had to fight the notion to say in my heart that Valentine's was irrelevant. But I've never really embraced it.

I'm single. Flaming single. I have been in this state for all my life. sans two weeks. Laugh if you will. Why, you ask?? I could blame Fayettenam for my issue. I was overshadowed in college by golfers, athletes, the 9 to 1 male to female ratio and my own taste for beer. After I got out, I found myself overshadowed by the looming shadow of Fort Bragg. Eek!

And then there's the game issue. Laughing out loud. Haha.

And I'm pretty fickle when it comes to women. I've developed high standards. That disqualifies me from part of the population. If I'm not crazy about a girl, why go through it? The tempation of infidelity would loom larger...

Heck, marriage and valentines and all that jazz may never be in the cards for me. It's possible. I don't think that settling for less than the best isn't ideal!

Don't forget, Paul was single for the duration of his life. So was my good buddy Jesus ;).

So I hopefully have explained why I'm single. I did it all for you.