Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Kendrick Vinar preached a great sermon a week or two ago on the subject of mercy triumphing over judgement.
What stood out was the comment about the total lack of good guys and bad guys in God's eyes. He loves us all equally. In His universe, the spectacle of Cowboys vs. Redskins, Protestants vs. Catholics, Caucasians vs. African Americans, that kind of thing.
Of course, Kendrick also stated that are three main reasons why people find themselves behind the eight-ball...Social injustice (imho, one of the reasons why several minorities and poor Caucasians struggle today), natural disaster (e.g. the recent tornadoes), and personal sin.
I see all three of these plights, in some fashion, at my job. I won't go into detail about exactly how I notice these things. But I see them and I want them to receive God's mercy.
I do not feel that us human beings (non-believers and even some believers) who live in the Triangle do a good enough job of showing mercy towards those that seem different from them or less affluent than them. It's human nature to stereotype and run away from them.
Think about this: How would Jesus see the poor, the black, the Hispanic, the socially inept? Would He shoo them away???
Let us love each other.