Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Mini Year-In-Review

I haven't been able to blog in a while.

While this inactivity can be attributed to the computer problems that I've had for
the last month, I can actually attribute my inactivity to sloth, which is inexcusable.

But I digress. It's a new year, and I believe that new opportunities are ahead for
me, as long as I keep my eyes toward the heavens.

I don't know if I want to waste energy by putting 2011 in review. I could have done that about three or four years ago. But I just want to enjoy the good moments in life now.

I believe that the most memorable event that occured happened to me in 2011 would be my baptism at Vintage 21 in July. Nothing can top the importance of that, but switching churches, volunteering at the Reality Center and actually growing in my faith in Christ would also count as positive life developments .

I didn't do anything of note professionally. There's a reason for that. I admit I gave up searching for a suitable job for a while. I'm still looking, but now my priority is applying to seminary. I'm applying to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary close by and maybe Wesley in Washington D.C..

I'm happiest on Sunday mornings, and I think I am finally being called to serve God in some capacity of ministry.

But my biggest personal New Year's Revolution would be to work harder.