Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Series On Logic: My Logic of Religion/Faith

I will admit that logic sometimes escapes me.

I have a difference called Asperger's Syndrome, and I admit that I've made illogical decisions in my past. We all live and learn, however, and I can say that my walk with God and and with life has spurred me to understand everything. It has inspired me to write a "sermon series", if you will, on several key things in our society. I'll be explaining how I view these issues, and I will comment/wonder aloud on whether or not that vibes with American society. I will begin with religion. Oh boy.

I will say that I have been the beneficiary of a relationship with Jesus Christ since late 2009, and I will say that it was the best decision of my life. I personally feel no need to question the Bible, and I believe that all of the theological questions/controversies that I have encountered over the years have honestly made my head swim. Why can't Christians agree that Jesus is Lord without getting into a argument about who is right.

Unlike a lot of Christians that I have personally encountered, I don't really come from a liturgical tradition. I spent time in the African-American Baptist Church and the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses when I was younger, but I bucked that tradition for good at around 19 years of age. For some reason, I didn't really want to be a part of a segregated tradition (that's how I saw it) and I wanted to live the sex, rock and roll, and booze lifestyle (in that order) for a while.

I haven't been saved since I was 4. I never went to a high school youth group. I'm behind on a few things here.

It really hurts my heart to find that the politics of religion, the sales pitches, the divisiveness, and theological posturing has seeped into the Triangle. It turned me off on seminary, and it's caused me to reconsider a lot of alliances and institutions in my mist. I am unsure of whether or not I'll maintain the same alliances six months from now. It's God's call. I don't know. I don't think that I really fit in totally with any church in the Triangle. I know im going to have to make do with what is before me.