Wednesday, March 9, 2011

why I don't listen to mainstream music...

I don't listen to a lot of mainstream music. And I don't listen to a lot of mainstream rap.

Don't get me wrong. I consider rap as a secondary listening pleasure. But I'm not going to listen to songs that degrade African-Americans and contain lyrics that glorify sex, violence, the importance of money above everything else, and Satanism.

Yes, Satanism.

Some of you may have heard of the Illuminati before (fyi, they are a secret society that allegedly controls most, if not all, of the major media and music outlets of the world, among other things). Some would debate their existence, but I'm not going to argue this here.

Instead, I'm going to pass on some YouTube links that argue that most mainstream music are full of Satanic references and hints toward the New World Order/Endtimes theory. It's 13 parts long, so I would get a snack and click on the link when it says "To Be Continued"..

if that doesn't work, go to YouTube and search for the The Music Industry Exposed....Look it up for yourself

The validity of this can be debated. But if you ever read the book of Revelation, you would find this easier to believe...

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