Monday, August 29, 2011

Confessions, Part 1:The Battle with Ego.

My ego sucks.

I think it peaked during college when I wrote for the school newspaper. That was my identity, and I worshipped that idol to the point where I wouldn't write stories that would hurt my popularity. I used to think that it wasn't a big issue.

I also used to think that my ego didn't even exist. But it quietly controlled my life. I hid my ego for a long time, but I always fed it. I wanted attention and admiration and I would pout inside and curse others if I didn't get it.

I transferred colleges and put myself in a $13,000 student loan debt hole because I wanted to be loved like I was in high school.

I whined and complained post college about Fayetteville because my ego wasn't satisfied and there weren't enough girls on my bandwagon.

I'll even admit that, at one time, I got offended and wanted to leave the Triangle at one point because the city, its culture, and the women here weren't giving me the time of day. That happened earlier this year.

I realize today that I left Grace in part because my ego wasn't being fed. My soul was being spiritually fed, but I felt that everybody should like me because I'm a great person. When the newness of being in the community wore off and I didn't get that feeling of admiration, I grumbled in my heart.

I left Grace with God's blessing, but only now do I see the root of why my time ended there.

The Fransecsa's false alarm opened my eyes and helped me to actually see my vicious pride. Relationships were potentially going to be destroyed if I didn't address it.

I am who I am, redeemed by the blood of Jesus. Even when I got saved, I wanted to be the center of your universe because my ego demanded it. Now I know that I will never be the center.

Now I'm trying to kill my vicious, digusting, lascivious ego. My future depends on it.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sports Biz Wish List

1. It's a month old, but if you haven't read Bill Simmons' plan on how to fix the National Basketball Association recently, go back to this archive and do it. Here's the link below (if I can upload it....)
The only thing that really teed me off was his insistence that the town of Charlotte, North Carolina couldn't support an NBA franchise. Hogwash! The Charlotte Hornets sold out 358 consecutive games in their heyday!!!! I know Charlotte's banking industry and unemployment rate sucks, but don't trash them just yet!! I wish they would just merge the Hornets and Bobcats and go back to 29 teams (the NBA operated at that number for 8 or 9 years). Charlotte would get the Hornets back then.
I would also move the Grizzlies back to Vancouver, move Milwaukee to Chicago and move Sacramento to Anaheim. That would solve the small-market issue (kinda). Or if you want to keep 30 NBA franchises, move the Bobcats to Seattle and let Charlotte have its Hornets back. Also, I'd split the revenue 50/50 between players and owners. Bet that won't happen.
2.I wish they would make a decision on the NHL's Phoenix Coyotes and move on.
3.As for the failed NHL Sun Belt experiment-I think it is logical to have the Kings, Ducks, and Sharks around, as well as the Stars, due to their presence in large U.S. TV markets. People do not count Florida as a southern state, so I guess you could keep Florida and Tampa Bay. I live in the Triangle, and there are a lot of educated Yankees here. Keep Carolina, on pure bias, because I am a Hurricanes fan. Nashville survived their relocation trial in 2007. Otherwise, ice everybody else, although I'd ship Phoenix to Winnipeg instead of Atlanta due to market size.
4.If an NFL team ever comes to Los Angeles, the only logical candidates that I would like to move would be the Rams, Raiders, and Chargers, due to their past history with the city.
5.I hope Division III colleges quit cattle call recruiting for football and only enlist student-athletes that can survive in the classroom and could legitimately contribute to their football teams. This has teed me off for five-plus years now.
Peace now..