Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Over already?

Apparently I forgot to notice that tomorrow will mark the end of another decade. I failed to realize that this decade started in 2000, back when we were all worried about the bogus Y2K virus. Back then I only noticed that a new century was beginning.

I believe that this decade that we are entering now is the last decade that a lot of us will see, and that the world will come to an end soon (which was a big reason for me begging God for forgiveness and me seeking Him) but that is another topic for another day.

The past two years have been uneventful for me personally, so I'll won't bother with a Year in Review of 2009; instead I'll breifly document my "evolution" from 2000 to 2009:

2000: 16. Was a sophomore in high school at East Bladen High School. I had a crush on S.R. (not divulging names here) but I lived in the Old South and back then I knew that I could forget it. My life passion was still professional wrestling, but I had just discovered sports.

2001: 17. Junior in high school. Sports and wrestling were equally important to me. WCW and ECW folded up shop. Dubya took over office. 9-11 happened. Screwed up the SATs. We began the Afghan war.

2002: 18. Senior in high school. Track career ended. Still sports/wrestling. Didn't know what a college search was so I wound up at Fayetteville State University.

2003: 19. I decided I wanted to transfer out of FSU after my freshman year (for reasons that really weren't very good) but for some reason I stayed for another year.

2004:20. Transferred to Methodist. Left home for the first time. Joined college newspaper. MC guy to girl ratio was 7 to 1.

2005: 21. Best year of my life so far, I thought. Popular but had very few people close to me. Frustrated because I had a 5 to 1 guy to girl ratio to deal with.

2006: 22. Joined a fraternity. Finally developed close friends. Still popular. Guy to girl ratio: 5 to 1.

2007: 23. Graduated college. Had made lifetime friends. No plan for life after Methodist. Guy to girl ratio at now MU: 4 to 1.

2008: 24. Bad year. Terrible time adjusting to the real world and returning home. Clung to Methodist badly. Finally started driving but dealt with car problems and issues all year. Felt lonely and had no real friends. Felt hopeless in Fayetteville. Tried to apply to UNCG for a Liberal Arts degree a month before class started, and was rejected. Started at Wal-Mart. Was a victim of the economy, as I was unable to find a job in my field.

2009: 25. Reconnected with a freind from HS. Met more people, though. Applied to ECU for communication school and was turned away. 2009 was actually similar to 2008 for the most part until the end of the year when I finally said that enough was enough. I asked God to help me out and I would say that the last three months were better than the first nine. I finally developed some sort of future plan and grew the balls (and saved the money) to execute it.

That's a hyper-quick summary of my life for the past ten years. I apologize for the rawness of this, but this is what I did and how I thought then. You can say that 2010 will see a lot of changes for me.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Touching Base Again

I apologize for my infrequent posts, but I have been focusing on work, the move, and some other personal stuff. This has taken the focus off of my blog, and I NEVER intended for that to happen....

Work has gotten crazy as well. I'm mentally fatigued from working now even though I'm working 33 hours a week instead of 40 like I did last year. I guess I am suffering from aging one year.

But primary focus now is storing up money for a relocation. I've decided to go to Fredericksburg, Virginia at the end of February, maybe March. Nicole's on board to be my roommate and Wal-Mart's coming with me as well, but eventually I hope to use my degree and find something around the NOVA area or even D.C.

If that falls through, I'll make the call I probably should have made a year ago and go to Durham with my dad, with plans to eventually go to IT school and strike out on my own. Sorry, Fayetteville. Your town just doesn't have what it takes to keep me around...

So I will do this as much as possible, but Ill be saving cash and staying out of trouble for the next couple of months...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tiger's Trippin'

Once again....I'll just have to get this out...Tiger Woods has tripped out. Cheating on his wife with at least nine women....

I will admit that these girls are attractive, but adultery is adultery, folks...The Bible says something about watching where you walk because you will eventually fall. This dude was one of my heroes.

Personally this makes me glad that I went to a college with a male to female ratio of 7 to 1, because in my wildest days back then I would have tried to conduct myself like Tiger. I was that young...

I figure this belongs on Craigslist's Rants and Raves section, but I had to say it anyway.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Marriage In Fayettenam

Apparently I don't have to ask anybody if they heard about Tiger Woods' supposed "transgressions" over the past few days. And I figure that most of the educated American public would figure out exactly what kind of "transgressions" he committed.

I'm not going to dwell on all of the media spin, but Tiger cheated on that hot wife of his. That is the bottom line. P**** Galore (Jason Whitlock's term, not mine) is an undefeated opponent that many athletes, soldiers, etc... just could not defeat no matter what. It remains to be seen whether his marriage will survive.

Speaking of marriage...

I've wanted to talk about my views on marriage for a while now. I haven't even been close to walking the aisle with ANYONE at this point; at one point I felt marriage wasn't an unfavorable path because I felt I could not make the commitment. But after watching my mom and dad divorce twice apiece, I believe I've seen enough to gain a grasp on what I want my marriage to be. To be blunt, I believe that marriage is a lifelong commitment between two people who love each other. It should never be broken. Point blank.

And I also believe that infidelity is the ONLY thing that cause a divorce. I never became a Jehovah's Witness, but that's their credo on divorce, and I think it works. In my view, there are two main enemies to marriage; divorce, and marrying for greed, or mockery, as I call it.

However, it should be known (oh, I'm sorry, I told you already) that I live in Fayetteville, North Carolina. As you should know, Fayetteville is home to the largest military base in America. It is also home to an (estimated) eighty percent divorce rate.

I realize that divorce is common in America. Why are we lamenting a 50 percent divorce rate? But since I graduated from Methodist, I have heard all of the horror stories-online and in person-of young couples, almost all of them with military ties, marrying in their early 20's (which I think from life experience is too young) only to finalize their divorce only a couple of years later. I knew two girls who went to MU with me-both athletes, that's all I'll say-who married soldiers before the start of their season only to divorce them the next year. Don't know the reason why, but...

People should know that a soldier in any branch gets quite the financial reward for walking the aisle. Their paycheck goes up, and in the case of lower ranking soldiers, they get to escape the barracks and live off base. In the case of the female, she gets the benefits from being a military spouse. Fair for both parties, eh?

But I've also seen and heard the tales of women who come from all over the globe with the objective of marrying a soldier for the financial benefits and little else. I've heard one story from a dude I met three months ago about one of this man's friends dating a stripper who was still technically married to a soldier for financial reasons. I was also kind of talking to a girl who had just divorced a soldier, but needless to say I decided to leave her alone after I realized that she was pretty content to sit on alimony. To her credit, she was looking for a job.

Then you have these wives that decide to cheat on their deployed husbands because they are lonely and such. We know how that goes.

I think that the behavior I've heard about in Fayetteville is a great enemy to marriage, and to be honest, I think that this financial incentive for soldiers to marry should be seriously looked at, if not abolished. It has been abused too many times, on both sides, for my liking.

Dude, marry the girl only if you are SURE that you want to be with her for the rest of your life. Don't marry for money and/or benefits. One reason why I can't wait to get out of this bizzaroland.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Welcome freshmen...

I'm pretty sure that most of America is unfamiliar with the name or the talents of Remille Shipman, so I'm glad to introduce myself.

I'm a 25-year-old SBF and a graduate of Methodist University (formerly College); I earned my English degree on December 13, 2007. I currently live in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and unfortunately this place does not have the finest repuation nor does it have a thriving job market. I wanted to be a journalist or a sportswriter for a long period of time, but I haven't had anything close to a break in that venture. A part of me still wants to pursue this, but I'm looking
for ways to break into the teaching field becuase I feel a call to service.

Currently I'm focusing on a relocation to Fredericksburg, Virginia in the next few months. Three of my friends live in that area, so i'll be closer to them and a better job market (hopefully). I am a Christian but I'm not jugdemental and I won't jump on you for making a mistake. All have fallen short of the glory of God.

I'll be blogging about whatever crosses my mind for the most part. In college I wrote an opinions column about whatever tickled my fancy at Methodist (for the most part my work was critically acclaimed). I'll be discussing sports, girls, Fayetteville, my desire to leave Fayetteville, politics, et cetera. I'm a weird person, so I'll be bringing up weird things as well...

God Bless,