Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Over already?

Apparently I forgot to notice that tomorrow will mark the end of another decade. I failed to realize that this decade started in 2000, back when we were all worried about the bogus Y2K virus. Back then I only noticed that a new century was beginning.

I believe that this decade that we are entering now is the last decade that a lot of us will see, and that the world will come to an end soon (which was a big reason for me begging God for forgiveness and me seeking Him) but that is another topic for another day.

The past two years have been uneventful for me personally, so I'll won't bother with a Year in Review of 2009; instead I'll breifly document my "evolution" from 2000 to 2009:

2000: 16. Was a sophomore in high school at East Bladen High School. I had a crush on S.R. (not divulging names here) but I lived in the Old South and back then I knew that I could forget it. My life passion was still professional wrestling, but I had just discovered sports.

2001: 17. Junior in high school. Sports and wrestling were equally important to me. WCW and ECW folded up shop. Dubya took over office. 9-11 happened. Screwed up the SATs. We began the Afghan war.

2002: 18. Senior in high school. Track career ended. Still sports/wrestling. Didn't know what a college search was so I wound up at Fayetteville State University.

2003: 19. I decided I wanted to transfer out of FSU after my freshman year (for reasons that really weren't very good) but for some reason I stayed for another year.

2004:20. Transferred to Methodist. Left home for the first time. Joined college newspaper. MC guy to girl ratio was 7 to 1.

2005: 21. Best year of my life so far, I thought. Popular but had very few people close to me. Frustrated because I had a 5 to 1 guy to girl ratio to deal with.

2006: 22. Joined a fraternity. Finally developed close friends. Still popular. Guy to girl ratio: 5 to 1.

2007: 23. Graduated college. Had made lifetime friends. No plan for life after Methodist. Guy to girl ratio at now MU: 4 to 1.

2008: 24. Bad year. Terrible time adjusting to the real world and returning home. Clung to Methodist badly. Finally started driving but dealt with car problems and issues all year. Felt lonely and had no real friends. Felt hopeless in Fayetteville. Tried to apply to UNCG for a Liberal Arts degree a month before class started, and was rejected. Started at Wal-Mart. Was a victim of the economy, as I was unable to find a job in my field.

2009: 25. Reconnected with a freind from HS. Met more people, though. Applied to ECU for communication school and was turned away. 2009 was actually similar to 2008 for the most part until the end of the year when I finally said that enough was enough. I asked God to help me out and I would say that the last three months were better than the first nine. I finally developed some sort of future plan and grew the balls (and saved the money) to execute it.

That's a hyper-quick summary of my life for the past ten years. I apologize for the rawness of this, but this is what I did and how I thought then. You can say that 2010 will see a lot of changes for me.

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