Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Touching Base Again

I apologize for my infrequent posts, but I have been focusing on work, the move, and some other personal stuff. This has taken the focus off of my blog, and I NEVER intended for that to happen....

Work has gotten crazy as well. I'm mentally fatigued from working now even though I'm working 33 hours a week instead of 40 like I did last year. I guess I am suffering from aging one year.

But primary focus now is storing up money for a relocation. I've decided to go to Fredericksburg, Virginia at the end of February, maybe March. Nicole's on board to be my roommate and Wal-Mart's coming with me as well, but eventually I hope to use my degree and find something around the NOVA area or even D.C.

If that falls through, I'll make the call I probably should have made a year ago and go to Durham with my dad, with plans to eventually go to IT school and strike out on my own. Sorry, Fayetteville. Your town just doesn't have what it takes to keep me around...

So I will do this as much as possible, but Ill be saving cash and staying out of trouble for the next couple of months...

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