Tuesday, September 21, 2010

RE: Myron Pitts article 9/20/2010

To help you completely understand what I'm talking about here, here's the actual article at http://fayobserver.com/articles/2010/09/21/1032667.

But my response will begin with an admission...Yes, I am a committed Christian now, but I have frequented these "establishments" in the past, and I've seen enough to agree with the city council's decision on more than the moral issue. So I CERTAINLY DO NOT BELIEVE THAT "THEY" ARE GOOD FOR FAYETTEVILLE!

These clubs that populate Fayettenam operates for the primary purpose of ripping off the Fort Bragg soldier with the fantasy of lust. HELLO! She's married (most likely) and she's not coming home with you! Why do we want more exploitation joints of both women and soldiers in the town that I no longer call home???

And I pray for the people that work in these establishments. Some of the women that work in these clubs are young and misguided and need money. But most of them are addicts of some kind (drugs, alcohol) or don't seem to come from a solid family structure. They surely do not need another option to exploit themselves. I'd rather see another Wal-Mart being built so these girls can at least have a chance at a honest life.

It's another victory for good.

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