Wednesday, September 22, 2010

MU-minati. (A rant.)

I previously vowed that I wouldn't throw mud at Methodist University. But after hearing this rumour, I have to say something.

Apparently the MU Board of Trustees want to tear down the intramural field that the late Coach Sink labored to build for the students in order to build new Greek housing. This happens because you expanded so quickly that you had 70 triples when the year started and you need to put them somewhere. An administration with some foresight would place a cap on on-campus enrollment. Not take 700 new kids and over 400 returners when you only have room for 950.

It's greed. All greed. Mammon is the god of Methodist, not God. They want as many kids as possible every year, to line their pockets. They recruit like they are on the brink of extinction when they are actually doing quite well. They want your money no matter how much space they have or what's said to them to get them here. If they leave after one year, so what. They can be replaced.

I was actually excited about MU's future, with the new buildings, huge enrollment, and near halving of its ghastly guy girl ratio (from 7/1 to 4/1, or more realistically from 70/30 to just about 60/40). I was even going to send my brother there. Now I don't feel the same way.

MU, please. Stop being greedy, elitist, and short-sighted.
Do not destroy the intramural field.
If God is the driving force behind this university, repent and stop putting money first.

1 comment:

  1. i may be off on the actual enrollement numbers, but hopefully you get the picture.
