Thursday, October 28, 2010

Scrap the Homecoming Review...I have something else to talk about

Well..Homecoming was decent, I supposed. I got to see a small amount of people that I went to college with. And yes, they are all doing well in this horrid economy. I regret that more of the old folks didn't return though.

It's just that it was overshadowed by hogwash. First of all, an Alpha Delta Phi sister had a seizure during the football game (she's fine). Secondly, one of my friends got kicked out of Huske Hardware for "teetering" (when she had high heels on and wasn't drunk), which put a damper on our Saturday.

Then I had to wake up to news that three kids got capped at Izzy's (Methodist University's version of Shooters) and that two of them were in critical condition as of this writing. As a result, Methodist established an unprecedented Izzy's Off Limits policy, threatening expulsion if any student dares to enter within 200 feet of Izzy's. There goes profit for Andy's and Dino's.

Now I was a HUGE partier and carouser during my college days. I used to enjoy Last Call. And there's a minor chance that I would oppose this if it happened to a bar that myself and my friends frequented. But I don't have a big problem with this.

First of all, I graduated from Methodist three years ago. That enough should distance myself from this situation.

Second of all, it has been well known that Izzy's serves underage to minors. That's why everyone abandoned Last Call and invaded on the yuppies' playground.
In my previous life, I had no issue with this, but now I realize that it's bad business and it's immoral. I have been to Izzy's numerous times. There are no bodyguards, and it has a Wild West atmosphere to it. Drunk 19-year-olds make stupid decisions. And if they are going to try to kill each other over a rap battle, maybe a line should be drawn.

This is an unprecedented move, folks. Methodist is private institution and can write its own laws. I do believe that that Hendricks and Blanc don't want to put restrictions on the whereabouts of its students, but once the Izzy's thing got out of control, I figure they wanted the chance to put the cat back in the bag. The actions of some bums gave them a chance to end it, and they took advantage of the opportunity. And no, MU students aren't the only ones that have off-limits places. Fort Bragg puts it on their soldiers, and for good reason, because the places on that off-limits are full of sin. Don't blame the "n------" for this.It was bound to collapse, whether by Hendricks' hand or the ALE's.

Go to Last Call.

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