Monday, October 18, 2010

Homecoming Preview

I'm having a good time right now in Durham. I have a job, a place to lay my head, and a good group of friends (even though I don't see them enough).

Still, I'm looking forward to turning back the clock and returning to Methodist for Homecoming next Saturday. I'll be riding solo, mainly because most of my closest colleagues don't live in NC anymore and have moved on. :( I have too, but it's hard to NOT make the 90-minute drive.

It's a weird feeling. I understand that Methodist tends to forget about its most dedicated students and workers. And what am I going to tell all of the old MC folks? (BTW, I can't afford to "register" and I don't need the hotel to sleep in. Mom's place is sufficient.) I have to fight the urge to revel in the fact that I was supposed to be this hot shot reporter that went bust.

But I don't feel like a bust now. Nor shouldn't I. Sure, I may have to go to square one again to accomplish my goal. Going back to school and living in a dorm? (Ladies, get in line!) Not likely. But you'll hear the go back to school refrain from me plenty this weekend.

I'm curious about whether there will be any fallout from the growth issues and such. Also, I need my copy of smallTALK. I've been chomping at the bit to get one.

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