Sunday, November 14, 2010

Some Days Late...Parental Advisory Suggested....

On Veterans Day, I remembered the contribution made by my deceased grandfather, late great uncle, and two of my cousins. They all served our country.

And yes, I lived in Fayetteville, North Carolina for seven and a half years. Most of you know that Fayetteville is home to Fort Bragg, which is due to become the largest military base in America by next year due to its expansion. Veteran's Day is held in high regard in that town.

I spent that day wrestling with the notion that Veteran's Day could be a form of idolatry. I feel that might apply to Fayetteville more than, say, Raleigh, with it being a military sanctuary and all. We make a big deal about soldiers dying in war for our freedom...but didn't Jesus die for our souls????????????? I meditated on this Thursday.

I'm all for Veterans's Day, but why can't we have a Jesus Appreciation Day? Ain't that more important?? If you believe in Christ anyway, which I do, you would feel that God would protect us and our freedoms (or the freedoms that God enjoys anyway) from evil Islamic thugs.

I've struggled with bitterness towards Fayetteville because soldiers always get their - kissed there at the expense of the "townies" in many things. But bitterness is wrong and respect is required of me. We should say thanks to all of the difference makers in society for what they do.

We are all equals, no matter what Satan puts in our heads about us not being equals. I respect Veteran's Day, but I sometimes fall victim to seeing both sides of the coin here.

Idolatry and bitterness are evil. Good day.

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